It is the desire of UReach Ministry to provide opportunities for LLUC members to reach out and connect with local families in need. With that in mind, the thanksgiving basket program has been redesigned and will go into effect this year
We apologize for the inconvenience but in order to receive a basket, you must call our UReach office to be put on a waiting list (909)796-8357.
So, What's New?
You will be able to purchase, assemble and deliver a basket for a selected family between Nov 17-22. A family will be assigned to you through a matching process. You can also help by making a donation. There will not be a church food drive or delivery as in past years. Each family will deliver their own basket.
information for delivering a basket
Families will be matched by mid-November and you will be able to pick up your instruction packet in the church office, at the Welcome Center in the foyer, or we can email it to you.
Keep in mind that "LLUC families" can be made up of a group of friends, classmates, a Sabbath School class, or even several families combining together.
You will be able to contact the family in order to personalize the "basket" to truly meet their needs.
Baskets can now include fresh items such as produce, instead of only canned or processed items.
Guidelines for connecting appropriately with families will be provided. A list of food suggestions will be provided.