We are very grateful for all the donations we have received, your support is incredible. We're sharing with you where we'll be serving our community, if you have time feel free to join us!
We'll meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at Kansas Ave Church in Riverside. On the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month we'll be at Crosswalk Church, on the 2nd and 4th Sunday we'll be at the San Bernardino Spanish church. Every 3rd Friday of the month we'll be working at the San Bernardino Senior Center (Perris Hill) with the City of San Bernardino. More opportunities will be coming real soon.
You can sign up to help using sign-up genius: https://bit.ly/3QO6O1x.
Before you sign up to help make sure you've filled out the Volunteer application https://bit.ly/3gKMYaw
Our webpage is constantly updated with the location and times where we'll be serving. Here is the link to our webpage: http://ureachlluc.com/renew?utm_source=Ureach
Thank you to all the volunteers that come out to help at each of our locations, we are privileged to work alongside you. Thank you to everyone who has donated using our amazon wishlist your contribution is vital to our operations.